How to Plan Spectacle-Free Cataract Surgery?

Most people wearing spectacles wish to get rid of them for cosmetic reasons, disturbances during contact sports like football/cricket, difficulty during gym/swimming, and getting bored wearing the spectacle for half of their respective lives, etc. But the main question is – how can we get rid of it easily?

Yes, you can!

If you are diagnosed with cataracts, then cataract surgery is an effective way to get rid of the spectacle. This article will help you plan a spectacle-free cataract surgery seamlessly.

Overview of Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a condition that develops when a person’s natural crystalline lens becomes cloudy. In cataract surgery, an eye specialist, i.e., an Ophthalmologist, replaces the eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens, generally called an Intraocular lens (IOL). The selection of IOL will decide whether the dependency on glasses has reduced for distance only or both distance and near activities.

Characteristics of Intraocular Lens (IOL)

IOLs provide focusing power to the patient’s eye. Various existing and latest technology IOLs are available for cataract patients, such as Monofocal IOLs, Toric IOLs, Multifocal IOLs, Trifocal Lens, Extended depth of focus (EDOF) lenses etc. The appropriate IOL (Intraocular lens) for a patient depends on multiple factors like lifestyle and visual needs. Even after cataract surgery, some patients might need to wear spectacles depending on their IOL selection. However, getting spectacle-independent cataract surgery is also possible in Mumbai. The Superspecialist team of doctors at Iksha Eye Care, Mumbai, can make things easier for IOL selection by detailed and professional guidance using the latest technologies to help you decide the best IOL for your eye.

Best Way to Get Rid of Spectacles Through Cataract Surgery:

There are two main categories of IOL

1) Basic Monofocal IOL’s  2) Premium Multifocal IOL’s
The primary difference between basic and premium IOLs is that basic IOLs do not correct the near vision problems of the cataract patient, while premium IOL can improve near vision significantly.

Iksha Eye Care, Mumbai, is one of the leading eye care hospitals that provide one of the best patient-centric guidance in easy-to-understand patients’ own language for cataract surgery in Mumbai. The centre is well equipped with a modern set-up and managed by a team of superspecialist experienced doctors and staff that focus on providing top-notch eye care services to their respective patients.

Types of Premium IOLs

There are mainly three types of premium IOLs.

1. Monofocal IOLs with Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) technology (Distance + Intermediate)

Patients who wish to reduce spectacle dependency for distance (watching television, etc.) + intermediate vision (use of laptops/ cooking etc.) but are okay to wear reading glasses can opt for this category of lenses.

2. Multifocal IOLs(Distance + Near)

Patients who wish to reduce spectacle dependency for distance (watching television, etc.) + near vision (use of mobile phones/reading books etc.) but do not have major laptop/desktop/cooking work can opt for this category of lenses.

3. Trifocal IOLs (Distance + Intermediate + Near)

Patients who wish to drastically reduce spectacle dependency for distance (watching television, etc.) + intermediate vision (use of laptops/ cooking etc.) + near vision (use of mobile phones/reading books etc.), and wish to have maximum freedom from the spectacle, can opt for Trifocal IOLs.

4. Toric IOLs

Due to the oval shape of their eyeball, some people have significant cylindrical power in their glasses, called astigmatism. Toric IOLs can correct the cylindrical power and significantly enhance the patient’s quality of vision.

Get Rid of Spectacles Now!

Steps to follow to get spectacle-free cataract surgery are as follows:

1. Understand the Available Options

A patient should first ask for a detailed brief that includes the in-depth procedure, pros and cons of the treatment, causes, etc., of all the available premium IOL options from the doctor.

2. Set the stage

With many IOLs technologies coming up, it is essential for a patient to know the cost of such high-technology and analyze it. They should set the expectation from a particular cataract surgery before surgery, have pre-operative counseling, and know which IOL will suit them the best rather than just going with the flow and regret later.

3. Forecast the Post-Operative Problems

The best way to avoid the pitfalls of the premium IOL is to predict, analyze and prevent them before the cataract surgery instead of letting the consequences surprise you later.

4. Go for a suitable Cataract Surgery

After analyzing all the aspects of cataract surgery, you are fully ready for cataract surgery with modern premium IOLs.

What is the Latest Technology in Cataract Surgery?

You would have heard about cataract surgery in your surroundings from your neighbor, friends, family, etc.

But what exactly is Cataract Surgery?
How is it performed?
Is it necessary to improve eyesight?
Which technology is used in Cataract Surgery?

To find out the answers to all such questions, read on.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract refers to the clouding of the eye lens. This condition develops over a period and slowly starts affecting vision and eyesight. By age 65, more than 90% of people have cataracts. Having a cataract is like looking through a frosty or fogged glass. Cataract surgery is indicated if impaired vision interferes with a person’s daily activities, symptoms of glare or double vision, frequent changes in glasses with dissatisfaction in vision with the new glass prescription, etc.

What is a Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts cannot be treated/removed with local eye drops, but surgery is the only option. Cataract surgery is one of the most widely performed surgeries in the world. Various eye care hospitals offer cataract surgery in Mumbai. In this surgery, an eye doctor called an Ophthalmologist replaces the natural crystalline lens with an artificial lens known as an Intraocular Lens (IOL) implant. Let’s see about it in detail.

Intraocular Lens (IOL)

Before performing cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist conducts non-contact optical biometry with the latest swept-source technology, which is incorporated with the most advanced IOL formulae, which the eye surgeon selects as per the size and shape of the eye scheduled for surgery. This helps the surgeon to plan the most suitable type of IOL implant with maximum correction of the power of the eye.
The IOL then gradually becomes a permanent part of the patient’s eye. Most of the IOLs are made up of acrylic material.

There are various types of Intraocular lenses (IOL), and they are as follows:

Monofocal IOLs – It helps to give a better distance vision with the need for reading glasses.

Multifocal IOLs – It is a premium IOL with good correction for both distance and near focus simultaneously (the need for near glasses is reduced by 60-70%)

Toric IOLs – It is suitable for the correction of cylindrical power of the eye called Astigmatism.

Trifocal IOLs – Latest technology. Better correction for distance (watching tv/outdoor activity etc.) + intermediate (laptop/cooking etc.) + near vision (reading/mobiles etc.) with the least dependency on glasses for most of the daily activities.

Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs – Latest technology – Work by extending the range of vision and help the patient get a ‘Continuous Range of Vision’ for most daily activities.

Iksha Eye Care Centre (Mumbai, India) offers the best laser cataract surgery in Mumbai, wherein no injection, patch, or sutures are involved. It is a completely painless surgery of 15 minutes. It has all the latest technologies in cataract surgery and is performed by experienced, highly-skilled eye specialists providing hassle-free and patient-friendly services with utmost safety.

What Is the Reason for Irritation and Watering After Cataract Surgery?

Being able to see the world and people is indeed a privilege. While enjoying the privilege, it is essential to protect our eyes and our vision and ensure that our eyes are healthy.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is defined as a clouding/whitening of the eye’s natural crystalline lens,resulting in difficulty in reading, driving a car, etc. A person cannot appreciate cataracts in their initial days as the cataract develops slowly. There are various causes of cataracts.

Causes of Cataract are as follows:

● Increasing age
● Diabetes Mellitus
● Excessive exposure to sunlight
● Smoking
● Excessive alcohol
● Genetics

Cataract is very common and can be treated easily. There are various cataract surgeons in Mumbai, it is even possible to have cataract surgery in Andheri, Mumbai. Iksha Eye Care has one of the best cataract surgeons in Mumbai with an experience of over a decade. During
surgery, the surgeon replaces the eye’s natural lens with an artificial lens called as Intraocular Lens (IOL) implant.

The most frequent problem which patients face even after a successful cataract surgery is irritation and watering in the operated eye.

Major Causes of Irritation and Watery Eyes are:

Cuts on Corneal Nerves

During cataract surgery, the cornea, i.e., the front transparent part of the eye, plays an important role. A cataract surgeon makes an incision over the cornea to enter inside the eye and replace the original lens with an artificial one. This can lead to temporary dryness and may be one of the reasons of ocular irritation. A 3-month course of lubricating eye drop can help in such cases.

Pre-existing Dry Eyes

If a patient had dry eyes before cataract surgery, there is a high possibility that they may continue to have dry eyes after cataract surgery which is quite normal. In such cases, a 6-month course of 1% carboxymethylcellulose or 0.1% sodium hyaluronate eye drop can help.

Medicines after Cataract Surgery

The use of medications after cataract surgery can irritate the eyes as they come in different formulations like suspensions etc. But all these
medications are utmost important for successful outcome of cataract surgery. Preservatives in eye drops can also cause discomfort in the eyes.

Pre-existing Eye Diseases

Majority of patients undergoing cataract surgery suffer from eyelid problems like meibomian gland dysfunction (oily eyelids) and is one of most common cause of irritation after cataract surgery. Patients with Diabetes Mellitus has a weak ocular tear film (dryness) and can increase the incidence of irritation and watering in the post operative period.

Things To Avoid After Cataract Surgery till 1 month

● Rubbing of eyes
● Driving, unless your doctor allows it
● Heavy lifting of weights
● Swimming and use of hot tubs
● Wearing eye makeup
● Forcible sneezing
● Going in crowdy and dusty places

How To Take Care of The Eyes Of Children?

As we all know, the eyes are one of the most sensitive and essential organs, and it is vital to take care of them. In contrast, children are the most innocent and mischievous ones. So, It is necessary to look after them and ensure they are not hurting themselves, especially their eyes. First eight years of life is critical for vision development and eye brain coordination.

Before we move ahead, it is crucial to understand and remember the difference between a paediatrician and a paediatric ophthalmologist. A paediatrician is a child specialist who provides the overall medical care of the children, and a Paediatric Ophthalmologist is an eye specialist who has specialised in the care of children’s eyes. So, a paediatrician performs limited eye examinations whereas a Paediatric Ophthalmologist evaluate the child’s eye in detail with specialised equipments and several additional tests.

There are many decent Paediatric Ophthalmologist centres; Iksha Eye Care, Andheri (Mumbai) centre has one of the best Paediatric Ophthalmologists in Mumbai with experience of more than a decade. It provides extensive eye care services, has one of the finest child eye care infrastructures for safe and hassle-free services, and offers one of the best squint surgery in Mumbai.

Simple and Easy Ways to Protect Your Children’s Eye

Resting of Eyes

Children often indulge in numerous activities like playing online games, watching YouTube videos, reading, writing, etc. Such activities put a strain on the eyes. Therefore, it is our duty to make sure that children are not continuously engaging themselves in such eye-straining activities for a longer period. Taking at least 30-40 breaks between all such activities for a child is mandatory to maintain their proper eyesight.

Healthy Diet

Adopting a balanced diet that includes green leafy vegetables, carrots is essential to keep our eyes healthy, especially of children. One should avoid giving junk food to children. Fruits like papaya, orange are rich in vitamin A and C, berries and almonds are rich sources of vitamin E which acts as antioxidants, fish like salmon are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids. All these are very important for maintaining good eyesight in children.

Regular Eye Check-ups

As a responsible parent, the most important thing to do is to ensure that the eyes of their children are developing properly with proper eyesight. One can schedule eye check-up according to vaccination schedule which is easy to remember. Always remember, at birth child can see things only close to face and gradually the vision develops and reach adult values by 6 to 8 years of life. Regular Eye check-up at 6 months,1 year, before preschool (3 years), before pre-primary (5 years) and then annually is important.

Outdoor Activities

In this world of digitalisation especially in the post-covid pandemic era, it is difficult to convince a child to leave online games, videos and engage in outdoor games and activities. But it is essential. If a child continues to engage in various digital screen activities, it will negatively affect their eyesight, leading to major long term eye related problems like dry eye, progressive myopia etc.

Sleep Schedule

Nowadays, children are usually on their phones/tablets, it has become imperative for them to have a proper sleep schedule; otherwise, it will affect their eyesight. It’s important to make a habit of no screen 2 hours before going to sleep for inducing sound sleep for your little one.

Avoid Eye Rubbing

Children unknowingly rub their eye which is usually noticed by parents but ignore it as just another child’s habit. It is essential to check on them and ensure they avoid rubbing their eyes. Eye rubbing can affect corneal development and can change spectacle number frequently and is an important cause for abnormal corneal shape like keratoconus etc.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

As the name suggests, diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes induced eye disease. Diabetes has many effects on the body. One of the prominent facts is that it affects the eye. This can lead to major eyesight problems. The high sugar levels cause damage to the retina in the eye. Moreover, a diabetes patient is medically advised to get a regular checkup as the problem can lead to gradual vision loss. The blood vessels swell and leak, blocking the eye. Moreover, this can lead to the development of abnormal retina growth in the blood vessels. These are one of the major issues that must be considered while seeking treatment for diabetic retinopathy. In this article, we are going to explore the details and aspects of this medical condition and the best retina treatment in Mumbai.

Stages of the diabetes eye disease

There are two main stages of diabetic eye disease. Below we have mentioned some of the details about the main stages of diabetic retinopathy.

NPDR (Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy)

This is the most common eye condition that diabetic patients go through. Many people who have diabetes are suffering from this medical condition. With NPDR, tiny blood vessels leak, and that makes the retina swell. This leads to the macula swell when the macula starts to swell. This medical problem is called macular ischemia. Due to this issue, the blood does not reach the macula. Moreover, some of the tiny particles can form in the retina called exudates. This can affect the vision too. Hence, the NPDR leads to blurry vision.

PDR (Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy)

This is a more advanced type of eyesight problem for medical patients. The PDR is considered to be a serious eyesight issue. It usually happens when the retina starts developing new vessels. This is called neovascularization. These newly formed vessels often bleed in the vitreous. Minor bleeding can blur out your vision, and severe bleeding might cause vision loss. These blood vessels can form scar tissue, which can lead to the problem of the macula or lead to detached vision. PDR is extremely severe and can result in losing central and peripheral (side) vision.

Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy

There are symptoms of diabetic retinopathy that indicate these problems. Below we are going to mention some of the prominent symptoms that you will gradually notice, such as:

  • Increasing number of floaters
  • Blurry vision
  • Fluctuating vision
  • Black and white vision
  • Having night vision
  • Colors appear faded or washed out
  • Loss of vision

Treatment of diabetic retinopathy

It is important to get diabetic retinopathy treated by doctors. The timely treatment of this medical condition is essential for the patients. It is advisable to consult the best eye care specialist. Iksha eye care specializes in treating these kinds of medical conditions. Get your eyes treated by the best retina surgeon in Mumbai. We suggest different medical solutions to the patients depending on the seriousness of the condition. Laser surgery and vitrectomy are the most common solutions to these problems. Hence, adequate medical assistance is crucial to this medical treatment.

What Should We Eat To Keep Our Eyes Healthy?

The significance of eye care is often underrated. This is one of the important aspects of human existence. Just like any other body part, the eyes need nurturing too. There are many remedies for the eyes to keep them healthy. One of the effective measures to keep them healthy is by adopting a nutritious diet. This eliminates most of the eyesight issues and will ensure healthy eyes. In this article, we are going to list down some of the effective measures that you must include in your daily diet. Let’s explore the list of nutritious foods that will help you achieve healthy eyesight.

Below we’ve mentioned 5 nutrient-rich foods

Have a glance at the 5 nutrient-rich foods that are vital for healthy eyesight. These will help you have a clearer vision. Moreover, these food items are also recommended by doctors.


Fishes are a rich source of omega-3. This must be included in your diet to nurture your eyes for healthy eyesight. There are an array of advantages to including this in your daily diet. Fishes contain healthy omega-3 and fatty acids. This is one of the effective solutions to cure eyesight issues.

These are the fishes that contain the most beneficial levels of omega-3.

  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Trout

We highly recommend you include these fish in your daily diet. As per the study, these fishes will help you cope with eye dryness. Hence, it is extremely healthy to add this to your diet chart.

Nuts and legumes

Nuts are also rich in omega and fatty acids. It is vital to add them to your regular diet plan. Moreover, these nuts and legumes also contain vitamin E. As per studies, this is an ideal remedy for aging eye damage. This is considered to be one of the easiest ways to get rid of aging eye damage.

Protein-rich nuts:

  • Walnuts
  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts
  • Lentils

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin and also are a good source of vitamin C. These are one of the best ways to keep your eyes healthy.

Nutrition-rich green leafy vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Collards


Eggs are an excellent source of vitamins C, E, and Zinc. It is widely used to cut off the risk factors relevant to eye-related sight loss. Hence, carrots must be included in your daily routine.


Carrots are rich in vitamin A. It is a well-known fact that vitamin A plays a vital role in having a healthy vision. It is essential to have sufficient vitamin A for clear eyesight. Carrots are rich in protein and beta carotene. There is a component of a protein called rhodopsin, which helps the retina to absorb light.


Just like nuts, seeds are a rich source of omega-3 and a rich source of vitamin E. These seeds are mostly available in online grocery stores or usual stores. The nutrient-rich seeds are:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Hemp seeds

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. For healthy and clear eyesight, it is essential to have a sufficient amount of vitamin E and C in the body. Moreover, vitamin C helps fight age-related problems.

Vitamin C-rich citrus fruits:

  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits

These things can eliminate many eyesight problems. It is 100% advisable to include these edibles in your diet. Moreover, if there is any severe eyesight issue, adequate guidance by professionals can solve the problems. Get your eye issues treated at Iksha eyecare, the best eye hospital in Andheri, Mumbai

Are You Eligible for LASIK Treatment?

Are you seriously considering the LASIK treatment? Before getting this treatment, it is viable to know more about this process and its pros and cons. The treatment is quite complicated and must be done by highly trained professionals. There is a certain eligibility criterion for undergoing the Lasik treatment. In this article, we are going to have a comprehensive discussion about this treatment and its eligible criteria of it. There are many theories based on the LASIK eye care treatment. One of the prominent facts is that not everyone is eligible for this operation. Adequate guidance and treatment are crucial to getting a successful eye treatment. Let’s dive deep to know more about the best LASIK treatment in Mumbai.

What is Lasik?

LASIK eye surgery is the best known and most commonly performed laser refractive surgery to correct vision problems. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can be an alternative to glasses or contact lenses.

Eligibility criteria of the Lasik

Following are the factors that are evaluated while getting the LASIK treatment by the doctors.

Healthy Eyes:

The person undergoing the Lasik treatment must have healthy eyes. What are healthy eyes? The patient must not be having any eye complications related to the eye. As this can result in post-eye complications. These conditions include fast-paced vision lapse, keratoconus, ocular disorders such as uveitis, keratitis, and herpes simplex, dry eyes displayed by a slighter presentation of tears, ocular injuries, and glaucoma, cataract, and lid disorders. Moreover, people with larger pupils will experience cloudy vision and glare post-surgery.

Physically fit:

It is not only important to have healthy eyes, but also it is essential to be physically fit. Many aspects are considered for the patient. The person undergoing the Lasik treatment must be physically healthy and must not have any existing medical conditions. Medical conditions like hypertension, blood pressure, sugar, etc make you a misfit for the Lasik treatment.

Keen Sight:

LASIK treatment requires the patient to have a healthy sight and must be clear. Moreover, if the patient is suffering from myopia or any sight disorders or women pregnant, breastfeeding, prolonged consumption of steroids can be an obstacle to getting the LASIK operation.

Adequate information about the side effects:

You should have adequate information about this treatment, procedure, and causes. It is very important to know every detail about the Lasik. There are an array of misconceptions about this treatment. Moreover, accurate information is accessible from professional doctors. An ophthalmologist is a ruth person to reach out to access accurate information. It is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist before taking this procedure ahead. These are one of the important aspects of LASIK treatment. One should know the post-surgical effects of this treatment and must be considerate of the repercussions that come along with it. Consult the Best LASIK surgeon in Mumbai to proceed with this eye care treatment.

Are you at risk for glaucoma?

A vast group of people is suffering from Glaucoma. Have you heard about this eye disease before? Well, this is one of the eyesight problems that people suffer from. This is the right place you’ve reached to learn more about it. We are going to mention its causes, problems, and solutions. Let’s dig deep to know more about Glaucoma and its risk factors.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a severe eye care condition that can lead to optic nerve damage and visual loss. It is a consequence of the intense pressure on the eye. There are various types of glaucoma. The most common one is called the open type of glaucoma. In most cases, it doesn’t show symptoms other than gradual vision. In extreme circumstances, the symptoms include eye pain nausea with impulsive optical troubles.

What causes Glaucoma?

There are certain aspects that can be the reason behind this severe eye condition. Let’s have a glance at some of the proven reasons for Glaucoma. The fluid inside your eye is called aqueous humor. It usually flows from the eye in the fluid form, the mesh-like channel gets blocked and this results in the eye getting flooded by the fluid. Other than this, damage to blood vessels, blockage, genetics, inflammation, etc. These are some of the prominent reasons that can cause Glaucoma. This eye care disease usually affects both the eyes.

People who are more likely to get Glaucoma

There are severe risk factors for glaucoma, this is important to recognize all of these symptoms. This eye care condition can occur to anyone. From old age, adults, and infants. This can cause major eye care issues and can result in severe eyesight problems as well. Let us have a look at the set of people who are more likely to get Glaucoma.

People above 40 years of age:

As per the metrics, this medical condition often occurs in the older generation. The set of people who are 40 and above are more likely to get this eye condition disease.

Family history:

This can be passed on inherently as well. The tendency to have this disease can be because it runs in the family.

High intraocular pressure (IOP):

This is one of the most common factors of Glaucoma eye damage.

Existing medical conditions:

Certain illnesses or treatments can cause these diseases. Below we have mentioned some of the reasons behind Glaucoma

  • Diabetes
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Regular, long-term steroid/cortisone use
  • A previous eye injury
  • Extremely high or low blood pressure
  • Thin central corneas

Get treated at the best eye care hospital

As we have mentioned the risk factors of glaucoma, it is crucial to get it treated at the right time. Iksha eye care specializes in providing one of the ideal eye care treatments. This is the best eye care center to give ideal facilities under one roof. Get holistic Glaucoma treatment by the top-notch doctors at Iksha eye care. Get the Best glaucoma treatment in Mumbai for hassle-free and exceptional eye care at Iksha Eyecare hospital.

How Do Cataracts Affect Your Vision?  

A cataract is the most common eyesight problem and it can adversely impact your life. However, various treatments are oriented to treat the cataract condition. Cataract has multiple effects on the sight and can lead to several problems. The cataract patients have a blurry and cloudy vision which causes difficulty to see, read or write. This medical condition does not happen overnight, most cataracts develop slowly and do not blur the sight. The eyes getting blurry and cloudy is a gradual process. Hence, the cataract must be treated at the right time. We are going to elaborate on the cataract eye problem and how it affects your vision. This will help you know more about this eyesight problem and how to treat this eyecare condition.

Let us proceed further to know more about cataracts and the right place for cataract surgery in Mumbai

What are the cataract vision symptoms?

What are the cataract vision symptoms
What are the cataract vision symptoms

There are some noticeable signs and symptoms of cataract vision. These signs keep growing gradually and give a clear indication. Initially, it will affect a small region of your eye and gradually it occupies the entire eye region. This may lead to more prominent symptoms.

Symptoms that cataracts include:

  • Double vision in a single sight
  • The appearance of “Halos” in light
  • Blurred and dim vision
  • Fading of colours
  • Difficulty in reading and writing
  • Sensitivity of light

How a cataract is formed?  

How a cataract is formed
How a cataract is formed

A cataract is a hazy lens that is positioned behind the iris. The lens concentrates on the light that passes into your eye that produces clear and sharp images on the retina. There are several reasons for the retina getting cloudy. Age factor is considered to be the most common reason. With age, the lenses in your eye become slightly flexible, thicker, and less transparent. The constant development of the cataract blocks the light and prevents seeing and reaching the light in your retina. In most cases, cataract develops in both of the eyes. The size of the cataract might differ in both eyes. This can cause different vision in both eyes. Treat your eyes with the best cataract surgeon in Mumbai to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Risk factors when the cataract is left untreated

Risk factors when the cataract is left untreated
Risk factors when the cataract is left untreated

As we have mentioned, it needs adequate medical treatment to fix the cataract. It requires professional guidance and must be treated at the right time. As any sort of delay in the treatment can spoil the case.
Cataract risks include:

  • Inflammation
  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Night blindness

Diagnose & treatment for cataracts

Diagnose & treatment for cataracts
Diagnose & treatment for cataracts

There are some tests to diagnose cataracts and their symptoms. The doctors will recommend some tests to look closely at and evaluate the medical conditions. There are certain tests that are conducted to fix cataracts. After the cataract is diagnosed, it calls for the procedure of surgery. Surgery is the only way to treat this medical condition. The problem of cataracts can be effectively fixed with accurate guidance and medical treatment.
The process of surgery is not very complex if you seek medical assistance from the right hospital. Moreover, cataract surgery replaces the damaged lens with an artificial lens. Hence, surgery is vital to treat the cataract medical condition.

What is Keratoconus? Symptoms, causes & treatment

Keratoconus is a medical condition that occurs when the cornea of the eye swells outward of the eye and pops out. The cone-shaped cornea causes blurred and cloudy vision and also leads to light sensitivity. In the initial stages, this medical condition can be treated with glasses or contact lenses. In advanced conditions, this might need a cornea transplant. It is observed that the Keratoconus usually affects both the eyes. It usually affects people from the age group of 10 to 25. This condition may last for more than 10 years or longer. There are certain symptoms, reasons, and treatments that clearly define this issue. It is important to treat this medical condition with the right cornea treatment in Mumbai. Timely treatment is necessary to stop the sight from declining.

Let us explore further to know more about Keratoconus.

What are the causes of Keratoconus?

causes of Keratoconus
Causes of Keratoconus

There are no such prominent causes of Keratoconus. As per the research, there are many factors that can link to the condition. Have a look at the causes that might lead to the Keratoconus.

These are the causes of Keratoconus:

Age: The most common age of getting Keratoconus is when you are a teenager. It might start showing symptoms in your early childhood or once you reach 30. It is a rare case scenario that people above 40 get diagnosed with Keratoconus.

Family line: This disorder can be a consequence of family history as well. If anyone in your family has it, this might be passed on as an inherited medical condition to you. This is a very rare case scenario, most probably this starts at the age of 10 to 12.

Inflammation: There are certain diseases that result in inflammation, which can lead to the issues like allergies, asthma, or just can break the tissue in the eye.

Eye rubbing: Rubbing your eyes hard can cause a tissue break. This is a common reason behind the Keratoconus. This can make the existing medical condition quicker when you already have it.

These are some of the reasons/ causes behind Keratoconus. The cornea specialist in Mumbai will treat this medical condition to deliver meaningful eye care treatment.

What are the symptoms of Keratoconus?

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Like any other illness, Keratoconus also has signs and symptoms that are considered by the doctors while providing the treatment. These symptoms make this medical condition more evident.

Here are some of the prominent symptoms of Keratoconus.

  • Double vision while seeing with just one eye.
  • Objects seem to be blurry and cloudy.
  • Blurred vision with irritation.
  • Itching sensation

Treatment of Keratoconus

Treatment of Keratoconus

The treatment differs, in mild cases the patient is advised to wear glasses. Usually, the doctors recommend wearing glasses or lenses. There are certain treatments that are implemented to strengthen the cornea and improve eyesight. In serious cases, the treatment called cornea collagen crosslinking is implemented on patients from stopping the situation from getting worse. The last treatment or therapy for this disorder is the cornea transplant. This is a very safe operation and has a 90% of success rate. The doctors will replace the middle portion of the cornea and replace it with a new one.

These operations are done by experienced professionals that are known for their medical performance. Get your treatment done by the best cornea specialist in Mumbai at Iksha eye care hospital in Andheri.